Sunday, December 29, 2019


New Years’s resolutions are an unnecessary consideration for those who follow Christ. When rightly understood this commitment means I am resolved to one thing—to live out the teachings of God’s word in a way that brings honor and glory to him. With this resolve, no area of life goes untouched.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

THE SUM OF IT ALL: LOVE - Revelation 1:4-6

From Genesis to Revelation, beginning to end, creation to the consummation of the ages the story of God’s redemptive plan is driven by one thing—love.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

THE REALITY OF JOY - John 16:16-24

The reality of joy can be a tipping point in the witness of our faith.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

A VISION FOR PEACE - Isaiah 2:1-4

The decree of the angelic host some 2000 years ago was a proclamation of peace. It think it’s fair to ask, “Where is it? And, how do I find it?”